This is an interesting question, Farhoush and I"m afraid that there are at least seven ways to use the adjective "afraid"! The most common meaning of "afraid" is the one I have just used to introduce the topic -when we want to politely tell someone something that may upset, disappoint, annoy or even worry them.
In terms of the grammar, we can say either: "I"m afraid that there are at least seven ways" OR. . .
从语法方面来说,我们有以下的用法:‘I"m afraid that there are at least seven ways"(有that)或者。
"I"m afraid there are at least seven ways" - without using"that". We usually hear this meaning of "afraid" in spoken English.
‘I"m afraid there are at least seven ways" —没有that。我们常在口语中听到‘afraid’的这种意思。
The next most common meaning of "afraid" is "to be frightened".But remember that "afraid" can"t be used before a noun, so we can"t talk about "an easily afraid person". That"s not right.
‘afraid’的另一种常见的用法是‘to be frightened"(害怕)。但切记,afraid不能放在名词之前,所以我们不能说‘an easily afraid person",这是不对的。
Instead, try these: "He"s an easily frightened person" or even simpler, "He"s easily frightened.
我们可以这么说:‘He"s an easily frightened person" 或者简单点‘He"s easily frightened." (他很容易受惊吓)。
"He"s afraid of something" - for example, He"s afraid of spiders. "He"s afraid to do something - for example: He"s afraid to ask for help.
"He"s afraid of doing something - for example: He"s afraid of flying. So lots of examples there!
Less common uses of the adjective "afraid" are used as a way of saying either "yes" or "no". "Afraid" + not. . . is used to mean "no" .
afraid这个形容词的一种不常见的用法是,被用来表示首肯或者否决(答应或者拒绝)。afraid not被用来表示no。
And "Afraid" + so. . . is used to mean "yes". Here"s an example of how we can use "afraid" to mean "no":
而afraid so被用来表示yes。这里还有使用afraid来表示no的例子。
A: Are you doing anything nice this weekend, Femi. F: I"m afraid not, I have to work - I need the money!
Or when someone calls and the person they want to speak to isn"t there: A: Could I speak to Sun Chen please?
又或者,当某人打电话,但是他们要找的人不在当场:可以找一下Sun Chen吗?
B: I"m afraid not, he"s not available at the moment. Would you like to leave a message? Next, "afraid" meaning "yes":
关键词: afraid什么意思 你会用吗Afraid
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